Applewood Seed Company Single Post ImageApplewood staff participated in three national pollinator conferences in the past few weeks related to honey bees and other native pollinators. In an effort to incorporate pollinator-friendly practices into federal landscapes, the federal government recently released Sustainable Practices for Designed Landscapes, containing guidelines for landscaping on federal properties. In addition, the General Services Administration announced its own guidelines for facility design, construction, and management to aid in pollinator protection. Applewood has been researching pollinator foraging and food sources for five years and has developed pollinator conservation mixtures for specific regions of the United States as well as flower mixtures that provide nectar and pollen for bees and other pollinators. The sales staff at Applewood is ready to help you select the appropriate flower species or mix to support pollinators in your area.

Long Horned Bee on Ox-Eye Sunflower

Swallowtail Butterfly on Maltese Cross

Honey Bees on Purple Coneflower

Clearwing Hawkmoth on Catchfly

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