Flowers for Honey Bees and Wild Bees in the Prairie Pothole Region


The following factsheet is a result of work done by Clint Otto and colleagues at the USGS-Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center in Jamestown, North Dakota. Clint’s team developed the factsheet in part with information gathered through the Bee Integrated project that is coordinated by the Honey Bee Health Coalition. It highlights forbs that are preferred […]

Host Plants for Butterfly Gardens

Butterfly Mixture

Everyone loves butterflies for their wonderful array of colors and patterns as well as their graceful movements. Images of butterflies have been popular for jewelry, decoration and crafts for centuries. Butterflies undergo an amazing metamorphosis from egg, to caterpillar to beautiful, winged adult. It is possible to plant flowers in a home garden to attract […]

Applewood Seed Company Announces Employee Stock Ownership Plan


Arvada, CO – Gene Milstein, founder, and his wife, Dee Milstein, co-owner of Applewood Seed Company, announce the formation of an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), transferring significant ownership of the company to current and future employees. As part of a comprehensive succession plan, the Milsteins formed the ESOP to implement their goal of keeping […]

What are Prairie Strips?


The CP-43 Prairie Strips practice is a CRP Clean Lakes, Estuaries and Rivers (CLEAR) initiative and is intended to provide benefits to both farmers and the environment in agricultural areas. They are composed of diverse, herbaceous, perennial vegetation that includes both grasses and wildflowers. They must be positioned on the landscape to most effectively deal […]

Flower Plantings Can Increase Yields of Pollination-Dependent Crops

Squash Crop

Agricultural land has been expanding and intensifying in many regions of the world to meet growing demands for food. This trend has resulted in reduced biodiversity and pollination services from honey bees, wild bees and other pollinators.  Research from the past decade underscores the value of pollinator diversity and abundance for crop pollination worldwide. Restored […]

Using Open-Pollinated Flower Seeds for Pollinator Conservation

Yellow Lupine (Lupinus densiflorus aureus)

Here at Applewood Seed Company we specialize in small to largescale production of open-pollinated flower seeds, which include wildflowers, heirloom garden flowers and newer flower varieties. Most of these flowers need insect pollinators for successful seed production. We are a strong advocate of pollinator conservation and are actively involved in research, education, and policy-making for pollinator issues. Here […]

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