Take a Look at Our New Products for 2019

New Seed Products for 2019 | Applewood Seed Company

We are introducing three new garden flowers, one native wildflower, and one new herb this year. Some of our new flowers will be additions to our pollinator, regional and special-use seed mixtures. In addition, we are introducing a brand new pollinator mixture: The Bumblebee Buffet Mixture. The first of our new garden flowers is Dwarf […]

Pollinator Week 2018 Kicks Off with a Buzz


National Pollinator Week 2018 is from June 18-24 and here at Applewood Seed Company we’ve kicked it off by hosting a bee identification seminar for staff and volunteers from the Denver Botanic Gardens. Led by Diane Wilson, Applewood’s staff Ecologist, the training helped the staff and volunteers gain additional experience with bee identification. This will […]

Sustaining Quality Garden Flower Varieties with Open Pollinated Seeds


Because Applewood Seed Company specializes in the production of open pollinated seeds (OP seeds), we are committed to sustaining the quality of our OP garden flower varieties through our variety improvement program. OP varieties reproduce by cross-pollination or self-pollination and will breed true, producing offspring that look the same as their parents. This is called […]

How We Create our Flower Seed Mixes

Golf Flower Seed Mix

Here at Applewood Seed Company we create flower seed mixes to fit various applications and uses. For example, these include mixes for ornamental purposes, pollinator conservation, wildlife plantings, garden flowers, xeriscaping, and for various geographic regions. These mixes come from years of experience testing individual species and mixes in our trial gardens. Experience makes a difference! […]

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