Yellow Four O’Clock is an old-time garden favorite which gets its common name from its late afternoon to early morning bloom time. A tender perennial that forms tubers, plants produce ...
This lovely, old-fashioned plant will attract hummingbirds to the garden and readily self-sows. Low-growing foliage is topped by 2 to 3 foot flower spikes in June in varying colors of purple, pink,...
French Marigold ‘Dainty Marietta’ is a dwarf Marigold with small, single flowers that are bright yellow with a maroon blotch at the center. Plants grow 12-18 inches tall and are ...
French Marigold ‘Naughty Marietta’ is a dwarf Marigold with medium-sized, single flowers that are golden yellow with a maroon blotch at the center. Plants grow 12-18 inches tall and are...
French Marigold Petite Mix is a dwarf Marigold mix with small, button-like flowers in shades of gold, orange, yellow, red and bi-colors. Plants grow to just 8-10 inches tall and are long-blooming. ...
Petals of this highly fragrant perennial/biennial are deeply fringed and bearded, with flower colors ranging from pink, to white or lilac. Performs best in cooler areas with well-drained soil, ...
Gaura is a summer to fall blooming perennial native to east Texas, Louisiana and adjacent Mexico. Plants grow best in full sun with dry conditions and well-drained sandy to clay soils. Good ...
Gayfeather is an eastern U.S. native which also goes by the name of Marsh or Dense Blazingstar. It grows best in full sun with moist to mesic conditions and tolerates the combination of heat and ...
Dotted Gayfeather is native to much of North America and is a hardy perennial which is very drought tolerant. It is found in dry prairies and other upland prairie sites. It attracts butterflies ...
Thickspike Gayfeather, also known as Prairie Blazingstar, is a good cut flower and attracts birds, hummingbirds and butterflies, including the rare Schinia gloriosa (Glorious Flower Moth) ...
Munro’s Globemallow is native to the Great Basin region of the western U.S. It is a very drought tolerant perennial that produces masses of orange flowers in mid-summer. Tolerates many soil ...
Scarlet Globemallow is also known as Cowboy’s Delight. It is a low, spreading perennial that is found from the High Plains, west to eastern Oregon and Nevada. It is often seen in disturbed or ...
Dwarf Godetia is a lovely annual that comes in pink and white is native from British Columbia to northern California. The genus name commemorates William Clark of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. ...
Gray Goldenrod is a perennial wildflower that is native to the Midwestern and eastern U.S. It is shorter than many Goldenrod species, reaching only 1-2 feet tall. It produces one-sided, yellow ...
Rigid Goldenrod is also known as Stiff Goldenrod. This native perennial can be found in prairies, meadows and open woodlands throughout the Midwestern and east-central U.S. as well as south-central...