Spurred Snapdragon ‘Fairy Bouquet’ is an annual that has numerous tiny snapdragon-like flowers in shades of pink, yellow, red, purple and violet with yellow patches in the throats and ...
Spurred Snapdragon ‘Northern Lights’ is an annual that has numerous tiny snapdragon-like flowers in shades of pink, yellow, red, purple and violet with yellow patches in the throats and...
Standing Cypress, also known as Gilia, is recommended to be seeded in the fall for this eastern North America native biennial. Plants grow in full to partial sun, with dry to moderate moisture. ...
Strawberry Clover is a perennial legume that grows to 14 inches tall and produces pink to purplish red flowers. Plants produce creeping stems and can spread. When the seed is ripe, the flower ...
Dwarf Mixed Strawflower is a favorite in old-fashioned gardens. Strawflower is grown for its papery flowers that come in shades of pink, yellow, white, orange and red. Our Dwarf Mix grows to just ...
Strawflower Tall Mixed is a favorite in old-fashioned gardens. Strawflower is grown for its papery flowers that come in shades of pink, yellow, white, orange and red. They have a long bloom cycle ...
‘Bright Lights’ grows 3-4 feet tall, and flowers come in shades of gold, orange, red and yellow. Plants are very adaptable and are suitable for cutting, beds & borders, and the ...
Sulphur Cosmos ‘Crest Gold’ grows 2-3 feet tall, and flowers are a golden yellow color. Plants are very adaptable and are suitable for cutting, beds & borders, and the pollinator ...
Sulphur Cosmos ‘Crest Orange’ grows 2-3 feet tall, and flowers are a bright orange color. Plants are very adaptable and are suitable for cutting, beds & borders, and the pollinator ...
Sulphur Cosmos ‘Crest Red’ grows 2-3 feet tall, and flowers are a deep, orange-red color. Plants are very adaptable and are suitable for cutting, beds & borders, and the pollinator ...
Sulphur Cosmos is native to Central and South America. Our dwarf varieties grow to just 18-24 inches tall and make great additions to beds and borders. Also recommended for mass plantings, ...
Sulphur Cosmos is native to Central and South America. Our dwarf series grow to just 18-24 inches tall and make great additions to beds and borders. Also recommended for mass plantings, low-growing...
This dwarf mixture grows to just 30 inches tall and comes in a mix of yellow, orange and gold. Suitable for beds and borders and the pollinator garden.
Dwarf Red Sulphur Cosmos plants grow to just 18-24 inches tall and have deep scarlet flowers. It is an easy to grow annual that is great in mass plantings as well as beds & borders. Flowers ...