Cape Forget-Me-Not is a biennial that is native to South Africa. Our version is more dwarf than most, growing just 12-18 inches tall. It blooms the first year, and it’s true blue flowers are ...
Catchfly is a slender annual from Europe. It grows to 22 inches tall and produces pink flowers with 5 notched petals. It works well in wildflower mixtures, the cutting garden and the pollinator ...
Chicory is a tap-rooted perennial with blue flowers that is native to Europe and western Asia. It is very adaptable and drought tolerant, making it useful for reclamation. Chicory roots can be used...
China Aster ‘Crego Mix’ has ostrich plume type petals which gives it a shaggy appearance. Flowers come in shades of purple, deep rose, pink, violet, and white. It blooms from mid-summer...
China Aster ‘Powder Puff Mix’ has fully double flowers in shades of purple, deep rose, pink, violet, and white. It blooms from mid-summer through early fall and provides much needed ...
Single Mix China Aster has single flowers in shades of purple, deep rose, pink, violet and white. It blooms from mid-summer through early fall and provides much needed color after many annuals ...
Chinese Houses is a delicate annual that is native to California. Plants produce adorable, pagoda-like flowers that are white and purple. Prefers light shade in hot climates. Suitable for beds and ...
Also known as Rainbow Pink, this Dianthus comes from China and produces single to semi-double flowers in shades of white, pink, red, salmon and burgundy. Great for beds & borders, the cottage ...
This long-lasting, perennial herb grows to 18 inches tall and has cylindrical, hollow leaves. It is a member of the onion family and produces lavender, pom-pom shaped flowers in early summer. The ...
Scarlet Cinquefoil is a perennial wildflower which is native to the southwestern U.S. It is found in rich soil in mountain meadows, forests and along mountain streams. Flowers are a deep red and ...
Clarkia is native to California and can be found in chaparral, foothills, and grassland areas. Flowers colors very from pink, lavender, and white. The genus name commemorates William Clark of the ...
Deerhorn Clarkia is an annual that is native to eastern WA, eastern OR, ID and western MT. It is also called Ragged Robin or Pink Fairies. The name, Deerhorn, is derived from the shape of its ...
Clove Carnation ‘Chabaud’ (pronounced shab-o) is a vintage carnation that dates back to the early part of the 20th century. They were developed for use as a cut flower in ...
Coleus, also known as Painted Leaves, is a tender perennial that is grown for its colorful foliage. Rainbow Mix has solid or bi-colored leaves in shades of red, green, yellow, maroon and pink. ...
Columbine ‘McKana Giants Mix’ was an All America Selections winner in 1955. It is a hybrid with large flowers and long spurs. Flower colors include blue, pink, red, violet, white and ...