Coleus, also known as Painted Leaves, is a tender perennial that is grown for its colorful foliage. Rainbow Mix has solid or bi-colored leaves in shades of red, green, yellow, maroon and pink. ...
Columbine ‘McKana Giants Mix’ was an All America Selections winner in 1955. It is a hybrid with large flowers and long spurs. Flower colors include blue, pink, red, violet, white and ...
Dwarf Columbine is native to Europe and can be found in mountain pastures, rocky places, slopes and woods. The small, drooping flowers have strongly hooked spurs and come in a wide range of ...
Shirley Single Mix Corn Poppy is a slender annual that is native to Europe where it can be found in cultivated fields, meadows and roadsides. The flowers have crepe paper-like petals and come in ...
Cornflower is also known as Bachelor’s Button. ‘Polka Dot Mix’ is a mixture of blue, purple, pink, red and white, and plants grow to just 24 inches tall. Suitable for beds and ...
Cornflower is also known as Bachelor’s Button. Flowers come in a mix of blue, purple, pink, red and white, and plants grow to 36 inches tall. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, flower ...
Cosmos is native to Mexico. This charming variety has white flowers with rose to crimson markings. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden. Prefers lean, well-draining ...
This flowers of this variety have tubular petals and come in a mix of crimson, rose, pink and white. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden.
This old-fashioned favorite was the All America Selections winner in 1936. Growing four to six feet tall, it looks nice in the back of the border or as an annual hedge. Flowers come in a mix of ...
Cosmos is native to Mexico. This dwarf variety grows to just 36 inches tall and comes in a mix of white, pink, rose and crimson. It is a perfect size for beds and borders, and the flowers attract...
This mat-forming perennial grows to 20 inches tall and produces pink, white, purple, or bicolored flowers with dark centers. Flowers bloom late spring to mid-summer and have a spicy clove scent....
This variety of Dahlia is a dwarf type which grows 10 to 16 inches tall. The mixture of single flowers includes shades of purple, red, rose, salmon, white and yellow. It can be started in plugs...
Garland Daisy is also known as Crown Daisy and is from the Mediterranean region. Flowers are yellow or a mix of white and yellow. Suitable for flower mixtures and beds and borders.
Gloriosa Daisy is a tetraploid cultivar of Black-Eyed Susan. It has large, yellow flowers with orange, bronze or burgundy centers. Plants are annual to short-lived perennials and bloom mid-summer ...
Painted Daisy is an annual from Morocco and has delightful, multi-colored flowers containing white, yellow, orange, red, rose and purple. Leaves are moderately succulent. Suitable for cutting, beds...