Evening Scented Stock is a clove-like fragrant annual that has flowers that open at night. Although native to the Mediterranean region, this plant grows best in full to partial sun, with moderate ...
Gayfeather is an eastern U.S. native which also goes by the name of Marsh or Dense Blazingstar. It grows best in full sun with moist to mesic conditions and tolerates the combination of heat and ...
Dotted Gayfeather is native to much of North America and is a hardy perennial which is very drought tolerant. It is found in dry prairies and other upland prairie sites. It attracts butterflies ...
Thickspike Gayfeather, also known as Prairie Blazingstar, is a good cut flower and attracts birds, hummingbirds and butterflies, including the rare Schinia gloriosa (Glorious Flower Moth) ...
Hyacinth bean is native to tropical Africa and has long been grown in northern Africa, parts of Asia, and the Caribbean for the edible flowers, leaves, and immature seeds and pods. Vigorous vines ...
This perennial is native to north central North America and is commonly found in dry open woodlands and prairies. Another name is Anise Hyssop because of its delightful fragrance – a mixture ...
Purple Giant Hyssop, a perennial in the mint family, has a delightful anise scent. It also goes by the name of Blue Licorice. The purple flowers occur in spikes at the top of the plant, and ...
Lacy Phacelia is also known as Lacy Scorpion-weed. This bristly annual is native to California and Arizona and is found in open flats and slopes below 4,000 feet. The violet flowers occur in ...
True Lavender is in the mint family and is native to the Mediterranean. Plants grow 20-30 inches tall and produce purple flower clusters in mid-summer, which attract honey bees and bumble bees. ...
Leadplant is popular for reclamation and wildlife plantings. It is a shrub-like plant with silvery hairs and purple flower spikes at the ends of the branches. It is a nitrogen fixer that can thrive...
Foliage of this annual mint has a pungent, lemony scent. Flowers come in dense clusters of lavender-pink to white. A southern U.S. native, plants are found on limestone, rocky or sandy prairies and...
Morning Glory ‘Grandpa Ott’ is a twining vine that is a tender perennial with large, funnel shaped flowers and heart-shaped leaves. Flowers open in the morning and last only one day. ...
Purple Moss Verbena is a spreading, tender perennial with lovely, fern-like foliage and purple flowers. It is long-blooming and forms a good ground-cover. It can be used for permanent erosion ...
Wild Petunia has a relaxed, sprawling habit and violet flowers. It blooms all summer and is wonderful for hanging baskets and large containers. It also makes a good ground cover. Prefers full sun ...
Purple Prairie Clover is a native perennial that is found throughout the high plains and central U.S. Flowers bloom from the bottom to the top of the flower cluster. Excellent for wildlife and ...