Golden Aster is a very drought-tolerant and long-blooming tap-rooted perennial that grows in open, sunny areas from Wisconsin to British Columbia and south to Texas and California. It grows form ...
Blue Sage is a tender perennial and can be treated as an annual in colder climates. It is native to New Mexico and Texas and can be found in chaparral, plains and woodland edges. Plants grow 1-2 ...
Borage is an annual that is native to Europe and the Middle East. Plants are large and sprawling, and the leaves are covered with bristly hairs. The blue, star-shaped flowers hang downward and are ...
Calendulas have been used for many centuries for culinary and medicinal purposes. Calendula ‘Ball’s Orange’ is an old-fashioned variety with large, fully double, orange flowers ...
Calendulas have been used for many centuries for culinary and medicinal purposes. Calendula, or Pot Marigold, comes from southern Europe. ‘Pacific Beauty Mix’ is a blend of yellow, ...
Chinese Houses is a delicate annual that is native to California. Plants produce adorable, pagoda-like flowers that are white and purple. Prefers light shade in hot climates. Suitable for beds and ...
Chocolate Flower is a long-blooming, perennial wildflower that is native to the southwestern U.S. The flowers exude a rich, chocolate scent in the morning. Plants are drought-tolerant and prefer ...
This plant resembles prairie coneflower but has deep red flowers and grows to just 1-2 feet tall. It is a biennial to short-lived perennial and is recommended for borders, natural gardens, rock ...
This upland perennial is very adaptable and tolerant of heat, humidity, drought and poor soils. Plants are easily divided if overcrowded and usually re-bloom without deadheading. This was the most...
Showy Evening Primrose is native to Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and the southeastern U.S., This plant prefers full sun and dry to moderate, well-drained, poor rocky soils. This rhizomatous ...
A drought tolerant annual growing from British Columbia to central California and east to Idaho, Globe Gilia is an adaptable plant with blue flowers, tolerating full to part sun and dry to ...
Greenthread gets its name from the narrow, linear segments of its leaves. This native annual can be found throughout the High Plains, from South Dakota to Texas. It is typically found in large ...
Holy Basil, or Tulsi, is native to southern Asia where it is known as “The Queen of Herbs”. Holy Basil is an Ayurvedic herb with a long history of medicinal, culinary, and sacred uses. ...
Indian Blanket is the state flower of Oklahoma. Also known as Firewheel, this plant is an annual that thrives in sandy soils and dry summer heat, and tolerates poor, dry soils. The daisy-like ...
Lacy Phacelia is also known as Lacy Scorpion-weed. This bristly annual is native to California and Arizona and is found in open flats and slopes below 4,000 feet. The violet flowers occur in ...