Bergamot is a widespread North American native perennial that is found in floodplains, along shorelines and in open woodlands and moist to mesic prairies. Plants do best in rich soils with full to ...
Blue Wild Indigo is a legume with roots that undergo nitrogen fixation and can be very long-lived. The blue flowers resemble those of lupines and attract bumble bees and other pollinators. It is ...
Boneset was given its name because it was once thought it could heal broken bones. The leaves of the plant were wrapped with the bandages and splints to set broken bones. This north American native...
This flowers of this variety have tubular petals and come in a mix of crimson, rose, pink and white. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden.
Gaura is a summer to fall blooming perennial native to east Texas, Louisiana and adjacent Mexico. Plants grow best in full sun with dry conditions and well-drained sandy to clay soils. Good ...
Common Milkweed has pink flowers and grows to four feet tall. It is native to the Midwest and eastern U.S. It prefers full sun and loamy, mesic soil, but it can tolerate a wide variety of ...
‘Bright Lights’ grows 3-4 feet tall, and flowers come in shades of gold, orange, red and yellow. Plants are very adaptable and are suitable for cutting, beds & borders, and the ...
Sunflower ‘Carousel’ is a dwarf sunflower with a compact, multi-branching habit. The 3-4 foot plants are completely covered in leaves and flowers, with very little lower stem showing. ...
Purpletop Vervain is native to South America. It has tall, nearly leafless branches and clusters of purple flowers. It is outstanding in beds and borders and pairs well with bright yellow and white...