Although originally from Africa, this drought-tolerant annual is naturalized in parts of the United States. Plants grow in mounds and produce 2-inch wide orange, salmon, and white flowers. They ...
Cape Forget-Me-Not is a biennial that is native to South Africa. Our version is more dwarf than most, growing just 12-18 inches tall. It blooms the first year, and it’s true blue flowers are ...
This dwarf Coreopsis grows to just 16 inches tall. It is a yellow perennial that blooms in 90-95 days the first year. Suitable for the front of the border, flower mixtures, and the pollinator ...
This yellow perennial is native to the eastern and midwestern U.S. The long-blooming plants grow to 36 inches tall. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, wildflower mixtures, and pollinator ...
Cup Plant is a large branching perennial from the tallgrass region of the U.S. and Canada. It gets its name from the “cup” that is formed by the adjoined, opposite leaves on the stems. Plants ...
Lewis Flax is the true native flax of the western U.S. It is found in mixed grass, sagebrush, pinon-juniper, mountain brush and aspen communities and in openings in coniferous forests. Plants do ...
French Marigold ‘Dainty Marietta’ is a dwarf Marigold with small, single flowers that are bright yellow with a maroon blotch at the center. Plants grow 12-18 inches tall and are ...
French Marigold ‘Naughty Marietta’ is a dwarf Marigold with medium-sized, single flowers that are golden yellow with a maroon blotch at the center. Plants grow 12-18 inches tall and are...
French Marigold Petite Mix is a dwarf Marigold mix with small, button-like flowers in shades of gold, orange, yellow, red and bi-colors. Plants grow to just 8-10 inches tall and are long-blooming. ...
French Marigold ‘Red Cherry’ has medium size flowers with petals that are deep red above and yellow below. Plants grow to just 10 inches tall and are long-blooming. Recommended for ...
French Marigold Sparky Mix has medium sized flowers with wavy petals. Flowers are a mix of gold, orange, red, yellow or bi-colored. Plants grow to 20 inches tall and are long-blooming. Recommended ...
Gayfeather is an eastern U.S. native which also goes by the name of Marsh or Dense Blazingstar. It grows best in full sun with moist to mesic conditions and tolerates the combination of heat and ...
Dotted Gayfeather is native to much of North America and is a hardy perennial which is very drought tolerant. It is found in dry prairies and other upland prairie sites. It attracts butterflies ...
Thickspike Gayfeather, also known as Prairie Blazingstar, is a good cut flower and attracts birds, hummingbirds and butterflies, including the rare Schinia gloriosa (Glorious Flower Moth) ...
Greenthread gets its name from the narrow, linear segments of its leaves. This native annual can be found throughout the High Plains, from South Dakota to Texas. It is typically found in large ...