AppleWood Seed Co Single Blog Post Img Last week the National Pollinator Garden Network launched the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge to get the public involved in the creation of pollinator friendly gardens. The Million Pollinator Garden Challenge is being launched by The National Pollinator Garden Network, an unprecedented collaboration of national, regional, conservation and gardening groups to support the President’s Executive Strategy to “Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators.” According to the website,

Pollinator gardens should

  • use plants that provide nectar and pollen sources
  • provide a water source,
  • be situated in sunny areas with wind breaks
  • create large “pollinator targets” of native or non-invasive plants
  • establish continuous bloom throughout the growing season
  • eliminate or minimize the impact of pesticides.

You can find Applewood’s trial gardens registered on the site and can register your own pollinator friendly garden. What a great way to celebrate National Pollinator Week, June 15-21!

Bumble Bee


Monarch Butterfly

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