Roundheaded Bush Clover is an east central North American native perennial that is attractive to birds and other wildlife. Growing 30 to 45 inches tall, it blooms cream colored flowers and does ...
Rudbeckia ‘Indian Summer’ was an All-America Selections winner in 1995. It is an annual to short-lived perennial with huge, golden flowers up to 8 inches across. Plants bloom from ...
Rudbeckia ‘Marmalade’ is a dwarf Rudbeckia variety with large, golden-orange flowers that bloom from summer to early fall. Plants grow to two feet tall, and flowers are up to five ...
Sage is a hardy, long-lived perennial that is native to Spain and the Mediterranean region. Plants grow to 30 inches tall and develop woody stems when they mature. It prefers sunny locations in ...
Scarlet Sage is an annual to tender perennial, 12-30 inches tall with bright, scarlet flowers. It is native to Texas and the southeastern U.S. A good nectar producer, it attracts pollinators and is...
Wild Senna is a native, long-lived perennial found in the eastern third of the United States. Although it’s in the pea family, its yellow flowers are not pea-like. Plants grow up to six feet ...
Sheep Fescue is a cool-season bunchgrass that grows to just 16 inches tall and has very fine leaf blades. It is adaptable and non-aggressive, which makes it ideal for combining with flower mixtures...
This native perennial, formerly under Viguiera multiflora, is a wide-ranging species of the western U.S. It is often found in openings and meadows of the western mountains, from foothills to ...
Also known as Canadian Tick Trefoil, this warm-season, native perennial grows 3-5 feet tall and produces clusters of pink to purple flowers. It’s native range is Nova Scotia, south to North ...
Signet Marigold ‘Starfire Mix’ has small but abundant flowers in shades of red, orange, and yellow. Many flowers have a contrasting blotch in the center, and the petals are edible. The ...
Snapdragon is a tender perennial that is treated as an annual in colder climates. This semi-dwarf variety blooms all summer long and has large flowers in shades of pink, purple, red, yellow, and ...
Snow-in-Summer is a mat-forming perennial from the Crimea. Plants have grey-green foliage and produce white flowers in spring and early summer. Makes a good ground cover and is perfect for the ...
Soapwort is a spreading perennial is native to Europe and grows 6-14 inches tall. It blooms in late spring, producing many small, pink flowers that cover the bushy mounds. It can be used as a ...
Spider Plant is an old-fashioned annual from South America. The fragrant flowers are a mix of cherry, rose, violet, and white and have delicate, long stamens that protrude out from the petals. ...
Ohio Spiderwort is a perennial that is native to the Midwestern and eastern U.S. and is found in medium to dry meadows and prairies. The stalks produce a cluster of blue flowers, which close in the...