Narrow-Leaved Milkweed can be found below 7,000 feet elevation in sagebrush, chaparral, grasslands and foothill woodland communities of the western U.S. It grows to three feet tall and has long, ...
Showy Milkweed is native to most of the central and western United States. It can be found along ditches and roads as well as in moist sites of meadows and fields. Plants grow to 40 inches tall and...
Swamp Milkweed is native to most areas of the central and eastern United States. It is also known as Rose Milkweed. Plants are typically found along streams and ditches or in moist areas of meadows...
Money Plant is an old-fashioned garden plant that is mostly grown for the silvery-white seed pods, resembling silver dollars, used in dried arrangements. Plants reseed readily and tolerate a ...
Slender Mountain Mint is a warm-season, perennial that is native to the eastern U.S. and is found in upland prairies, open woods and pine barrens. Leaves have a strong, minty scent when crushed, ...
Virginia Mountain Mint is a perennial that is native to the northeastern and midwestern U.S. and is typically found in moister soils of meadows, prairies, and open woods. The leaves, when crushed, ...
Pansy ‘Swiss Giants Mix’ seed mix is a large-flowered, heirloom pansy that comes in a mix of blue, orange, purple, red, white and yellow. Flowers have a contrasting, dark blotch. ...
Prairie Ironweed gets its name from the sturdy stems. It is a perennial from the Midwestern and eastern U.S. Plants can grow as tall as six feet, and the purple flower clusters occur at the tops of...
This Mediterranean annual produces spires of pink, blue, lavender, rose and white flowers. It can be grown in full sun or partly shaded areas and tends to be a good re-seeder. Rocket Larkspur is ...
Rudbeckia ‘Indian Summer’ was an All-America Selections winner in 1995. It is an annual to short-lived perennial with huge, golden flowers up to 8 inches across. Plants bloom from ...
Rudbeckia ‘Marmalade’ is a dwarf Rudbeckia variety with large, golden-orange flowers that bloom from summer to early fall. Plants grow to two feet tall, and flowers are up to five ...
Wild Senna is a native, long-lived perennial found in the eastern third of the United States. Although it’s in the pea family, its yellow flowers are not pea-like. Plants grow up to six feet ...
Also known as Canadian Tick Trefoil, this warm-season, native perennial grows 3-5 feet tall and produces clusters of pink to purple flowers. It’s native range is Nova Scotia, south to North ...
Signet Marigold ‘Starfire Mix’ has small but abundant flowers in shades of red, orange, and yellow. Many flowers have a contrasting blotch in the center, and the petals are edible. The ...
Starry Rosinweed is a robust perennial that is native to the southeastern U.S. It occurs in woodlands, sandhills, old fields and disturbed areas such as roadsides. Rosinweeds get their name from ...