New for 2016 are a variety of flowers known as “everlastings” or, in France, as “immortelles.” These are flowers that keep their color and form when they are dried. Many of these species have colorful, papery petals or bracts that are dry and stiff while still attached to the living plant.
Winged Everlasting, Ammobium alatum, named for the ribs on the stems, has small, white-yellow flower heads with white ray florets and yellow disc florets. It is a long-lasting fresh cut flower and can be cut for drying when flowers open half-way. For pink flowers, try Paper Daisy (Helipterum roseum). Yellow Strawflower (Helichrysum subulifolium) has all yellow flowers. With all strawflowers, typically only the flower heads are dried; the stems are then replaced with a wire. All of these flowers, and more, are included in our new Everlasting Flower Mixture. This mix will provide a variety of flower forms and colors that will dry well and provide lovely winter bouquets.