Mixed Annual Iceplant, also known as Livingstone Daisy or Mesembryanthemum, is a low-growing succulent with daisy-like flowers. The mixture is composed of vibrant shades of orange, pink, purple,...
This perennial aster, formerly under Aster laevis, is native to most of the United States and Canada and can be found in prairies, savannas, forest openings, woodland edges and roadsides. Plants ...
White Upland Aster, formerly under Aster ptarmicoides, is a perennial that is native to eastern Canada as well as the northeastern and north-central United States. Plants are typically found in ...
Bishop’s Flower is also known as False Queen Anne’s Lace or Laceflower. Plants produce white flower clusters up to 6 inches across. They will grow to 30 inches tall and have finely ...
Brown-Eyed Susan is a biennial to short-lived perennial and is native to the eastern and Midwestern U.S. It is found in prairies, meadows, open woods and along roadsides. Plants have a large, bushy...
California Bluebell is a native of southern California and Arizona. This desert annual has deep-blue, bell-shaped flowers. They create masses of color in the spring if winter moisture has been ...
Catnip is a member of the mint family and is a hardy perennial that has a distinctive fragrance that is intensely attractive to most cats. It is native to Europe, the Middle East and Asia. The ...
Celosia ‘Scarlet Plume’ is a long-time staple in summer garden landscaping. Heat-loving plants grow from 20-30 inches tall and produce large, feathery red blooms that hold their color ...
Clarkia is native to California and can be found in chaparral, foothills, and grassland areas. Flowers colors very from pink, lavender, and white. The genus name commemorates William Clark of the ...
White Clover is a perennial which can be found growing in lawns and disturbed sites throughout the U.S. Flowers bloom from the bottom to the top of the flower cluster. Excellent for wildlife and ...
Clasping Coneflower is native to the south-central U.S. and has red and yellow petals and a dark, cone-shaped center. Its name is derived from the fact that the leaves clasp onto the stems. Plants ...
Cutleaf Coneflower is a native perennial that can be found in flood plains and moist areas in Canada and the northeastern and Midwestern U.S. It is also found in moist depressions and streamsides ...
This plant resembles prairie coneflower but has deep red flowers and grows to just 1-2 feet tall. It is a biennial to short-lived perennial and is recommended for borders, natural gardens, rock ...
Grey-Headed Coneflower is also known as Yellow Coneflower and is native the the central U.S. It grows in dry woods, prairies and roadsides. It gets its name from the grey, cone-shaped centers of ...
Prairie Coneflower is a biennial to short-lived perennial which is native from Alberta to Texas, New Mexico and Arkansas. Flowers have an elongated center and drooping yellow petals. It is easy to ...