Compass Plant is a large perennial that is native to the tallgrass region of the U.S. and Canada. It gets its name from the fact that the lower leaves orient themselves in a north-south direction ...
The Detention Basin Mix is composed of tenacious wildflowers, grasses, sedges and rushes that can tolerate areas that are flooded periodically by water.
Showy Evening Primrose is native to Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and the southeastern U.S., This plant prefers full sun and dry to moderate, well-drained, poor rocky soils. This rhizomatous ...
Five-Spot is a California native annual that grows on mesic to moist slopes and flats, below 7,500 ft. elevation, west of the Sierra Nevadas. Growing only 4 to 6 inches tall, Five-Spot thrives in ...
This lower growing blend for the Northeastern U.S. was designed for planting within solar arrays where the minimum panel height is 3 feet. Grasses provide good soil stabilization and native forbs ...
Oriental Poppy is a robust perennial that grows to 40 inches tall and produces large, reddish-orange flowers in late spring & early summer. Plants are bushy and have hairy leaves. These ...
Roman Chamomile, formerly under Anthemis nobilis, is a creeping perennial from Europe with finely divided foliage and small, white, daisy-like flowers. It is ideal for use in flowering lawn ...
Wild Senna is a native, long-lived perennial found in the eastern third of the United States. Although it’s in the pea family, its yellow flowers are not pea-like. Plants grow up to six feet ...
Spurred Snapdragon ‘Fairy Bouquet’ is an annual that has numerous tiny snapdragon-like flowers in shades of pink, yellow, red, purple and violet with yellow patches in the throats and ...
Spurred Snapdragon ‘Northern Lights’ is an annual that has numerous tiny snapdragon-like flowers in shades of pink, yellow, red, purple and violet with yellow patches in the throats and...
Utah Sweetvetch is a wide ranging native perennial that produces pink and violet flowers in spring and summer. Plants do best in full sun and dry conditions, preferring alkaline, sandy or rocky ...
Blue Vervain is a widespread, native perennial which can be found in moist meadows and prairies, streambanks, and floodplains. The blue-lavender flowers occur in spikes at the tops of the branches....