The Detention Basin Mix is composed of tenacious wildflowers, grasses, sedges and rushes that can tolerate areas that are flooded periodically by water.
The Dry Seed Mixture contains annuals and perennials and is suitable for residential and commercial landscaping. It was formulated for areas that receive 10 to 30 inches of precipitation ...
The Eastern US Solar Farm Pollinator Mix grows to just three feet tall and contains a diverse blend of 100% wildflowers (no grasses) for pollinator conservation in the eastern United States and ...
The Easy Care Children’s Garden Seed Mixture is a low maintenance blend of easy to grow, annual garden flowers. It is especially well-suited for children’s gardens.
The EcoEase Flowering Alternative Lawn Mix was developed for use as a flowering lawn or low-growing ground cover. It is an attractive mixture of fine fescues, flowers and clovers and provides a ...
The EcoEase Microclover and Fescue Lawn Mix is a low-maintenance lawn option comprised of three fescues and microclover. It forms a dense groundcover that is tolerant of foot traffic and requires ...
The Edible Flower Seed Mixture contains annuals and perennials and is a colorful and tasty blend of edible flowers. The flowers in this mix have a tangy, spicy, peppery, sweet floral, licorice or ...
The Firewise Seed Mixture contains annual and perennial flowers that are suitable for firewise plantings in the western United States. It contains plants that have higher moisture content, lower ...
The Fragrant Seed Mixture contains annuals and perennials and is a blend of colorful flowers that provide lovely fragrances all season long. Included in this mix are flowers with sweet floral, ...
The Golf Course Seed Mixture contains all annuals and provides an ever changing rainbow of colors through-out the growing season. It is suitable for areas near tees, pathways, greens, lakes or ...
The Gulf Coast/Caribbean Seed Mixture is a mix of annuals and perennials for ornamental landscaping in the Gulf Coast and Caribbean regions, including southern Florida and extreme southern Texas. ...
The High Plains Native Wildflower Mix contains annuals and perennials that are native to the north central region of the United States and parts of southern Canada. This area includes North Dakota,...
This lower growing blend for the High Plains region of the U.S. was designed for planting within solar arrays where the minimum panel height is 3 feet. Grasses provide good soil stabilization and ...
This highly diverse blend of native forbs, legumes, and grasses was designed for the High Plains region of the U.S. It is perfect for perimeters and buffer areas around solar arrays. These plants ...
The Hummingbird Flower Seed Mixture provides a season-long smorgasbord of flowers for hummingbirds. If hummingbirds naturally occur in your area, this annual and perennial mixture will attract them...