True Lavender is in the mint family and is native to the Mediterranean. Plants grow 20-30 inches tall and produce purple flower clusters in mid-summer, which attract honey bees and bumble bees. ...
Lemon Balm is a member of the mint family and is native to southern Europe, central Asia and the Mediterranean basin. It has a lemony scent and flavor, and the small white flowers attract honey ...
Foliage of this annual mint has a pungent, lemony scent. Flowers come in dense clusters of lavender-pink to white. A southern U.S. native, plants are found on limestone, rocky or sandy prairies and...
Perennial Lupine produces flower spikes from mid-May to mid-June. Flowers are mostly blue, but sometimes pink or white ones are present. Found in the eastern U.S., wild populations have declined ...
Nematode Control Marigold was developed for the control of nematodes in crop fields and is a good alternative to chemical nematicides and fumigants. Nematode infestation can lead to millions of ...
Mexican Hat is a biennial to short-lived perennial which is native from Alberta to Texas, New Mexico and Arkansas. Flowers have an elongated center and drooping red and yellow petals. It is easy to...
Slender Mountain Mint is a warm-season, perennial that is native to the eastern U.S. and is found in upland prairies, open woods and pine barrens. Leaves have a strong, minty scent when crushed, ...
Virginia Mountain Mint is a perennial that is native to the northeastern and midwestern U.S. and is typically found in moister soils of meadows, prairies, and open woods. The leaves, when crushed, ...
This dwarf, non-trailing Nasturtium has double flowers in a mix of gold, orange, red and yellow. Plants are easy to grow and long-blooming. Flowers are edible and have a tangy, peppery taste. Try ...
Nasturtium Peach Melba is a dwarf, non-trailing Nasturtium with flowers in varying shades of yellow and cream with dark orange blotches in the center. Plants are easy to grow and long blooming. ...
Nasturtium Tip Top Mix is a dwarf Nasturtium with single flowers that are held above the foliage for showier color. Comes in a mix of gold, orange, red and yellow. Flowers are edible and have a ...
Single Mixed Nasturtium is a larger, trailing Nasturtium that can get up to 8-10 feet in length. The single flowers come in a mix of gold, orange, red and yellow. Flowers are edible and have a ...
Pincushion Flower ‘Imperial Mix’ is an annual that grows to 40 inches tall and is native to southern Europe. The flowers come in a mix of maroon, pink, rose, lavender and white and are ...
Oriental Poppy is a robust perennial that grows to 40 inches tall and produces large, reddish-orange flowers in late spring & early summer. Plants are bushy and have hairy leaves. These ...
Prairie Ironweed gets its name from the sturdy stems. It is a perennial from the Midwestern and eastern U.S. Plants can grow as tall as six feet, and the purple flower clusters occur at the tops of...