Rudbeckia ‘Indian Summer’ was an All-America Selections winner in 1995. It is an annual to short-lived perennial with huge, golden flowers up to 8 inches across. Plants bloom from ...
Rudbeckia ‘Marmalade’ is a dwarf Rudbeckia variety with large, golden-orange flowers that bloom from summer to early fall. Plants grow to two feet tall, and flowers are up to five ...
Scarlet Sage is an annual to tender perennial, 12-30 inches tall with bright, scarlet flowers. It is native to Texas and the southeastern U.S. A good nectar producer, it attracts pollinators and is...
Signet Marigold ‘Starfire Mix’ has small but abundant flowers in shades of red, orange, and yellow. Many flowers have a contrasting blotch in the center, and the petals are edible. The ...
Soapwort is a spreading perennial is native to Europe and grows 6-14 inches tall. It blooms in late spring, producing many small, pink flowers that cover the bushy mounds. It can be used as a ...
Spurred Snapdragon ‘Fairy Bouquet’ is an annual that has numerous tiny snapdragon-like flowers in shades of pink, yellow, red, purple and violet with yellow patches in the throats and ...
Spurred Snapdragon ‘Northern Lights’ is an annual that has numerous tiny snapdragon-like flowers in shades of pink, yellow, red, purple and violet with yellow patches in the throats and...
Starry Rosinweed is a robust perennial that is native to the southeastern U.S. It occurs in woodlands, sandhills, old fields and disturbed areas such as roadsides. Rosinweeds get their name from ...
Mexican Sunflower produces stunning, deep orange flowers that set it apart from other sunflowers. Flowers are up to four inches wide and attract bees and butterflies. This species is native to ...
Sweet Basil ‘Italian Large Leaf’ is a tender annual that comes from the Old World tropics. It prefers sunny locations and rich soil. Appreciates afternoon shade in hot, southern ...
‘Purple Ruffles’ is both a culinary and ornamental basil featuring a strong sweet-basil flavor with a hint of anise and cinnamon. This striking variety was released in 1984 by breeder Ted ...
Sweet Basil ‘Siam Queen’ is a lovely basil that produces dark purple flowers on sturdy plants. The leaves are extra large and have a very strong, clove-like scent. Siam Queen was a AAS ...
This old-fashioned favorite from Europe is a short-lived perennial that produces clusters of fragrant flowers in shades of white, pink, purple, red and violet. Suitable for beds & borders, cut...
Tussock Bellflower is a perennial from the Carpathian Mountains. Plants bloom in early summer and have lavender-blue flowers. Prefers part shade in hot summer climates and needs regular moisture. ...
Wild Blue Iris is a hardy rhizomatous perennial that grows 1-2 ft. tall. Flowers resemble the common garden iris and are pale blue. Flowers typically appear in May or June, depending on the ...