Oregano is a hardy perennial that is native to Europe and Asia. It can form a spreading mat in the garden. The light pink flowers attract honey bees and many types of wild bees. Prefers full sun ...
Pansy ‘Swiss Giants Mix’ seed mix is a large-flowered, heirloom pansy that comes in a mix of blue, orange, purple, red, white and yellow. Flowers have a contrasting, dark blotch. ...
Sage is a hardy, long-lived perennial that is native to Spain and the Mediterranean region. Plants grow to 30 inches tall and develop woody stems when they mature. It prefers sunny locations in ...
Signet Marigold ‘Starfire Mix’ has small but abundant flowers in shades of red, orange, and yellow. Many flowers have a contrasting blotch in the center, and the petals are edible. The ...
Sunflower ‘Mongolian Giant’ (aka Helianthus annuus uniflorus) is notable for its massive flower heads and huge seeds. Plants produce a single, golden flower on each stem that ...
Sweet Basil ‘Italian Large Leaf’ is a tender annual that comes from the Old World tropics. It prefers sunny locations and rich soil. Appreciates afternoon shade in hot, southern ...
‘Purple Ruffles’ is both a culinary and ornamental basil featuring a strong sweet-basil flavor with a hint of anise and cinnamon. This striking variety was released in 1984 by breeder Ted ...
Sweet Basil ‘Siam Queen’ is a lovely basil that produces dark purple flowers on sturdy plants. The leaves are extra large and have a very strong, clove-like scent. Siam Queen was a AAS ...
Wild Thyme is a fragrant, spreading perennial that is native to northwest Europe. Plants form dense mats that create an excellent ground-cover. Plants are 6-12 inches tall, and the lavender flowers...