Sweet Basil ‘Siam Queen’ is a lovely basil that produces dark purple flowers on sturdy plants. The leaves are extra large and have a very strong, clove-like scent. Siam Queen was a AAS ...
Sweet Mignonette is an annual from the Mediterranean. It is known for its exquisite fragrance, which is like a fine perfume. The clusters of white flowers are small and unassuming that attracts ...
Sweet Sultan is a highly fragrant, old-fashioned variety that comes from the Mediterranean and southwest Asia. ‘Imperialis Mix’ is a mixture of mauve, pink and white flowers. It grows...
This old-fashioned favorite from Europe is a short-lived perennial that produces clusters of fragrant flowers in shades of white, pink, purple, red and violet. Suitable for beds & borders, cut...
Virginia Stock is a petite plant with flowers that are lilac, white or yellow. It has a delicate fragrance, and flowers will stay open during the day. This species is from the Mediterranean region ...
Siberian Wallflower is native to Europe. Flowers are vivid orange and are fragrant and adaptable. Use in fragrant flower mixtures, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden.
Wild Thyme is a fragrant, spreading perennial that is native to northwest Europe. Plants form dense mats that create an excellent ground-cover. Plants are 6-12 inches tall, and the lavender flowers...
Gold Yarrow is a perennial that is native to Asia and grows 36-60 inches tall. The golden yellow flowers occur in flat-topped clusters that are up to 5 inches across and can be used for cutting ...