Swamp Sunflower, also known as Narrow Leaf Sunflower, is native from New York south to Florida and westward to Missouri and eastern Texas. It is found in habitats with moist soils such as swamps,...
Tickseed Sunflower is an annual wildflower that also goes by the name of Swamp Marigold because of its preference for moister environments such as wet meadows. It is native to the eastern half of ...
Wild Sunflower is found throughout the U.S., Canada and northern Mexico. It can be found along roadsides, in waste places and other open sites. Plants are highly adaptable, tolerating dry to ...
Sweet Basil ‘Italian Large Leaf’ is a tender annual that comes from the Old World tropics. It prefers sunny locations and rich soil. Appreciates afternoon shade in hot, southern ...
Sweet Basil is a tender annual that comes from the Old World tropics It prefers sunny locations and rich soil. Appreciates afternoon shade in hot, southern climates. Can be grown in containers ...
The Texas/Oklahoma Native Wildflower Seed Mix contains annuals and perennials that are native to most areas in Texas and Oklahoma. For the extreme southern tip of Texas, see the Gulf ...
German (Winter) Thyme is a perennial from the Mediterranean region. Plants grow to 15 inches tall and develop woody stems when they mature. Thyme prefers sunny locations and light, well-draining ...
This long-blooming annual wildflower is native to Texas and has yellow flowers with delicate red markings at the base of each petal. It is typically found in sandy soils of the Texas Coastal and ...
Golden Wave Tickseed is an annual from the south central and southeastern U.S. It occurs in prairies, savannas and plains. This long-blooming wildflower produces yellow flowers with a red star ...
Leavenworth’s Tickseed is native to Florida and the coastal southeastern U.S. The cheery, yellow flowers can be found along roadsides and in fields, prairies, pinelands, savannas and swales. ...
Tidy-Tips is a California native annual that prefers full sun but is adaptable to various garden soils with dry to moderate moisture. Petals are yellow with white tips. It creates a spectacular ...
Utah Sweetvetch is a wide ranging native perennial that produces pink and violet flowers in spring and summer. Plants do best in full sun and dry conditions, preferring alkaline, sandy or rocky ...
Blue Vervain is a widespread, native perennial which can be found in moist meadows and prairies, streambanks, and floodplains. The blue-lavender flowers occur in spikes at the tops of the branches....
Hoary Vervain is a short-lived, native Verbena which can be found in southeast Canada as well as the eastern and central U.S. It can be found in meadows, prairies, roadsides and other sunny sites. ...
English Wallflower is native to southern Europe and may have been brought to England by Normans in the 11th century. It is a perennial but can be grown as an annual, and the flower colors include ...