This North American native grows in sand prairies, sedge meadows, marshes, fens, and swampy thickets of the northeast and upper Midwest. It prefers full to part sun, moist conditions and rich, ...
Sweet Joe Pyeweed is a perennial from the Midwest and eastern U.S. that grows up to seven feet tall. The fluffy, pinkish-purple flower clusters appear from late summer to early fall and have a ...
Lacy Phacelia is also known as Lacy Scorpion-weed. This bristly annual is native to California and Arizona and is found in open flats and slopes below 4,000 feet. The violet flowers occur in ...
Leadplant is popular for reclamation and wildlife plantings. It is a shrub-like plant with silvery hairs and purple flower spikes at the ends of the branches. It is a nitrogen fixer that can thrive...
Lemon Basil is a tender annual and is shorter and has smaller leaves than regular Basil. It prefers sunny locations and rich soil. Appreciates afternoon shade in hot, southern climates. Can be ...
Foliage of this annual mint has a pungent, lemony scent. Flowers come in dense clusters of lavender-pink to white. A southern U.S. native, plants are found on limestone, rocky or sandy prairies and...
Perennial Lupine produces flower spikes from mid-May to mid-June. Flowers are mostly blue, but sometimes pink or white ones are present. Found in the eastern U.S., wild populations have declined ...
Yellow Lupine is an annual California native growing along roads, hillsides and in open fields below 2000 feet elevation. It blooms in spring and early summer and prefers full sun and dry, rich, ...
Mexican Hat is a biennial to short-lived perennial which is native from Alberta to Texas, New Mexico and Arkansas. Flowers have an elongated center and drooping red and yellow petals. It is easy to...
The Midwest Native Wildflower Seed Mix contains annuals and perennials that are native to the Midwestern United States and south central Canada. This area includes Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, eastern ...
Monarch populations have been in decline for a number of years, and the loss of nectar sources and milkweeds has been indicated as a major contributor to these declines. This mixture is composed ...
Slender Mountain Mint is a warm-season, perennial that is native to the eastern U.S. and is found in upland prairies, open woods and pine barrens. Leaves have a strong, minty scent when crushed, ...
Virginia Mountain Mint is a perennial that is native to the northeastern and midwestern U.S. and is typically found in moister soils of meadows, prairies, and open woods. The leaves, when crushed, ...
The Mountain Native Wildflower Seed Mix contains annuals and perennials that are native to mountainous regions of the western United States and Canada. Use it for elevations above 7,000 feet in the...
Mule’s Ears gets its name from its large, lance-shaped leaves. It has big, sunflower-like flowers and is common on open hillsides and meadows in the foothills of the western mountains. It is not ...