One-Sided Beardtongue is a perennial wildflower that makes its home in the lower foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Its habitat includes mountain meadows, Ponderosa woodlands, and Pinyon-Juniper ...
Bergamot is a widespread North American native perennial that is found in floodplains, along shorelines and in open woodlands and moist to mesic prairies. Plants do best in rich soils with full to ...
Big Bluegrass ‘Sherman’ is a beautiful blue-green selection of Big Bluegrass that originates from Sherman County, Oregon. It is a long-lived, cool-season bunchgrass and can be found in ...
Also known as Turkeyfoot, Big Bluestem is a warm-season bunchgrass that grows to seven feet tall. The seedhead divides into narrow branches that resembles a turkey’s foot. This long-lived ...
Bird’s Eyes is a California native annual that grows 12 to 18 inches tall. It does best in full sun with dry to moderate moisture. The white and purple flowers are fragrant and are attractive...
Black-Eyed Susan is a well known wildflower that is common in the eastern and Midwestern U.S. It inhabits open woods, prairies, roadsides and disturbed areas. It can also be found in mountain ...
This western native perennial has flowers of bright red centers with yellow tips that bloom from June through August, ranging from North Dakota to Colorado, west to Oregon and southwestern Canada. ...
Red Dome Blanketflower (Gaillardia pinnatifida) is a charming native wildflower from the arid south-central to southwestern U.S. The flowers stand out with deeply lobed golden petals surrounding ...
Blazing Star ia a California native annual. This plant grows in desert areas, on sunny rocky slopes below 2500 feet and in coastal sage scrub. Plants do best in full sun and dry conditions with ...
Blue Grama is a warm-season bunchgrass that is native to the central and southwestern U.S. It is found in prairies, plains, open woodlands and along roadsides. It is a dominant species of dry, ...
Blue Sage is a tender perennial and can be treated as an annual in colder climates. It is native to New Mexico and Texas and can be found in chaparral, plains and woodland edges. Plants grow 1-2 ...
Blue Wild Indigo is a legume with roots that undergo nitrogen fixation and can be very long-lived. The blue flowers resemble those of lupines and attract bumble bees and other pollinators. It is ...
Sandberg Bluegrass is a cool-season bunchgrass that is the most common bluegrass species in the Intermountain West. It is found in sagebrush and mountain shrub communities and is considered an ...
Boneset was given its name because it was once thought it could heal broken bones. The leaves of the plant were wrapped with the bandages and splints to set broken bones. This north American native...
Brown-Eyed Susan is a biennial to short-lived perennial and is native to the eastern and Midwestern U.S. It is found in prairies, meadows, open woods and along roadsides. Plants have a large, bushy...