This native perennial, formerly under Viguiera multiflora, is a wide-ranging species of the western U.S. It is often found in openings and meadows of the western mountains, from foothills to ...
Also known as Canadian Tick Trefoil, this warm-season, native perennial grows 3-5 feet tall and produces clusters of pink to purple flowers. It’s native range is Nova Scotia, south to North ...
Sideoats Grama is a warm-season bunchgrass that is native throughout much of North America. The ornamental and distinctive seed spikes hang from only one side of the stalk, and these make good ...
Snow-in-Summer is a mat-forming perennial from the Crimea. Plants have grey-green foliage and produce white flowers in spring and early summer. Makes a good ground cover and is perfect for the ...
Soapwort is a spreading perennial is native to Europe and grows 6-14 inches tall. It blooms in late spring, producing many small, pink flowers that cover the bushy mounds. It can be used as a ...
Ohio Spiderwort is a perennial that is native to the Midwestern and eastern U.S. and is found in medium to dry meadows and prairies. The stalks produce a cluster of blue flowers, which close in the...
Prairie Spiderwort is a perennial which is native to the central U.S. It is found in drier plains, prairies and savannas. The blue flowers occur in clusters at the tops of the stems, and they will ...
Starry Rosinweed is a robust perennial that is native to the southeastern U.S. It occurs in woodlands, sandhills, old fields and disturbed areas such as roadsides. Rosinweeds get their name from ...
Strawberry Clover is a perennial legume that grows to 14 inches tall and produces pink to purplish red flowers. Plants produce creeping stems and can spread. When the seed is ripe, the flower ...
This compact perennial is native to the western U.S. The dense basal leaves form tidy mounds that produce golden spherical clusters that are at home in flower beds as well as wildflower and ...
Maximilian Sunflower is a tall (3-8 feet) perennial sunflower with yellow flowers up to 3 inches across. Found from southern Canada south to North Carolina, Kentucky and Texas, this ...
Ox-Eye Sunflower, also known as False Sunflower, is native to the central and northeastern U.S. and is found in moist to dry, open woodlands, prairies and fields. It is highly adaptable and easy to...
Swamp Sunflower, also known as Narrow Leaf Sunflower, is native from New York south to Florida and westward to Missouri and eastern Texas. It is found in habitats with moist soils such as swamps,...
This old-fashioned favorite from Europe is a short-lived perennial that produces clusters of fragrant flowers in shades of white, pink, purple, red and violet. Suitable for beds & borders, cut...
Switchgrass ‘Blackwell’ is a rhizomatous, warm-season bunchgrass that is native throughout most of the U.S. It is a major component of the Tallgrass Prairie ecosystem. Blackwell ...