English Daisy is native to Europe. Plants are very low growing, and come in a mix of white, pink, rose and red flowers. Excellent for containers, rock gardens, borders and alternative lawn mixes. ...
English Daisy is native to Europe. Plants are very low-growing and have single, white flowers. Excellent for rock gardens, containers, borders and alternative lawn mixes. Does not tolerate heat ...
Missouri Evening Primrose, formerly Oenothera missouriensis, is also known as Dwarf Evening Primrose. This tap-rooted perennial produces large, clear yellow flowers that stay open only one day. ...
Pale Evening Primrose is excellent for xeriscape mixes and erosion control on slopes. This rhizomatous perennial produces large white flowers in mid- to late summer. Plants are native to the ...
Showy Evening Primrose is native to Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and the southeastern U.S., This plant prefers full sun and dry to moderate, well-drained, poor rocky soils. This rhizomatous ...
This perennial herb is a member of the carrot family and originally comes from the Mediterranean. Plants are hardy to USDA zone 6 – grow as an annual in colder climates. Fennel has an ...
Blue Flax is a European native flax which is difficult to distinguish from Lewis Flax. It is drought tolerant and grows best in full sun with dry to moderate moisture. The delicate petals fade and...
Lewis Flax is the true native flax of the western U.S. It is found in mixed grass, sagebrush, pinon-juniper, mountain brush and aspen communities and in openings in coniferous forests. Plants do ...
This lovely, old-fashioned plant will attract hummingbirds to the garden and readily self-sows. Low-growing foliage is topped by 2 to 3 foot flower spikes in June in varying colors of purple, pink,...
Petals of this highly fragrant perennial/biennial are deeply fringed and bearded, with flower colors ranging from pink, to white or lilac. Performs best in cooler areas with well-drained soil, ...
Gaura is a summer to fall blooming perennial native to east Texas, Louisiana and adjacent Mexico. Plants grow best in full sun with dry conditions and well-drained sandy to clay soils. Good ...
Gayfeather is an eastern U.S. native which also goes by the name of Marsh or Dense Blazingstar. It grows best in full sun with moist to mesic conditions and tolerates the combination of heat and ...
Dotted Gayfeather is native to much of North America and is a hardy perennial which is very drought tolerant. It is found in dry prairies and other upland prairie sites. It attracts butterflies ...
Thickspike Gayfeather, also known as Prairie Blazingstar, is a good cut flower and attracts birds, hummingbirds and butterflies, including the rare Schinia gloriosa (Glorious Flower Moth) ...
Desert Globemallow is a native perennial that can be found in the southwestern U.S. It is a bushy, spreading plant that can get three feet tall. The numerous flowers can be pink to orange in color,...