Crimson Clover is an annual legume that grows to three feet tall and produces dark, crimson flowers. It will add nitrogen to the soil, and it is ideal for adding to pollinator mixes. Many types of ...
Cup Plant is a large branching perennial from the tallgrass region of the U.S. and Canada. It gets its name from the “cup” that is formed by the adjoined, opposite leaves on the stems. Plants ...
This variety of Dahlia is a dwarf type which grows 10 to 16 inches tall. The mixture of single flowers includes shades of purple, red, rose, salmon, white and yellow. It can be started in plugs...
Creeping Daisy is a white annual flower from the Mediterranean region. Plants grow to just 12 inches tall. Suitable for low-growing flower mixtures and border edges. Attracts beneficial ...
Dahlberg Daisy is native to Texas. It is an annual with lemon scented foliage which produces dainty, yellow flowers. The leaves are very fine and thread-like. Excellent for the fragrant garden, ...
This full sun perennial naturally grows in the central and southcentral U.S., from South Dakota south to Texas, and from Arizona east to Missouri and Arkansas. It is often found in sandy, ...
Fleabane, or Aspen, Daisy is common in mountain meadows and aspen forests throughout the western mountains. A mid-season blooming perennial, it does best in full to partial sun, tolerates dry to ...
Garland Daisy is also known as Crown Daisy and is from the Mediterranean region. Flowers are yellow or a mix of white and yellow. Suitable for flower mixtures and beds and borders.
Gloriosa Daisy is a tetraploid cultivar of Black-Eyed Susan. It has large, yellow flowers with orange, bronze or burgundy centers. Plants are annual to short-lived perennials and bloom mid-summer ...
Painted Daisy is an annual from Morocco and has delightful, multi-colored flowers containing white, yellow, orange, red, rose and purple. Leaves are moderately succulent. Suitable for cutting, beds...
Paper Daisy has colorful flowers with papery, pink petals that can be used for fresh or dried bouquets. To dry flowers, cut flower stems just as flower buds are nearly open or newly opened. Tie...
Shasta Daisy ‘Alaska’ is an old-fashioned variety that is perfect for cut flowers and cottage gardens. The 3 inch wide flowers have white petals and a yellow center. Plants grow to 30 ...
Shasta Daisy ‘Silver Princess’ is a charming cultivar with 3 inch wide flowers that have white petals and a yellow center. Plants grow to just 16 inches tall. Excellent for the front of...
Yellow Daisy is an annual from Africa and is very adaptable. Plants form low-growing mats with flower stalks that get up to 12 inches tall. Suitable for low-growing flower mixtures, border edges, ...
Desert Marigold has bright, yellow flowers that bloom for most of the season. It is native to low deserts of the Southwestern U.S. and is very drought tolerant. Grow as an annual outside of desert ...