Palmer Penstemon grows to 4 feet tall and produces pale pink flowers in early summer. It is native to the southwestern U.S. and can be found along roadsides and open areas. Flowers are scented and ...
Rocky Mountain Penstemon is a perennial that is native to the Rocky Mountain region and can be found in pinyon-pine, sagebrush and aspen-conifer communities up to 9,500 feet in elevation. It blooms...
This large flowered penstemon is one of the showiest of penstemons. It is native to the central U.S. Stems and leaves are a waxy, blue-green color, and the flowers are magenta to rose and appear in...
Smooth Penstemon is also known as Foxglove Beardtongue. It is native to the eastern and Midwestern U.S. and is typically found in open woods, meadows and prairies. It grows to just three feet tall,...
Dwarf Mixed Petunia grows 8-12 inches tall and has a bushy, free-flowering habit. Produces single flowers in shades of red, rose, pink, violet and white. Recommended for beds & borders as well ...
Wild Petunia has a relaxed, sprawling habit and violet flowers. It blooms all summer and is wonderful for hanging baskets and large containers. It also makes a good ground cover. Prefers full sun ...
Pincushion Flower ‘Imperial Mix’ is an annual that grows to 40 inches tall and is native to southern Europe. The flowers come in a mix of maroon, pink, rose, lavender and white and are ...
Iceland Poppy is a short-lived, slender perennial that blooms in spring and early summer. The showy flowers come in shades of orange, white and yellow and have crepe paper-like petals. Beautiful ...
Oriental Poppy is a robust perennial that grows to 40 inches tall and produces large, reddish-orange flowers in late spring & early summer. Plants are bushy and have hairy leaves. These ...
Purple Prairie Clover is a native perennial that is found throughout the high plains and central U.S. Flowers bloom from the bottom to the top of the flower cluster. Excellent for wildlife and ...
White Prairie Clover is a native perennial which can be found throughout the high plains and central U.S. Flowers bloom from the bottom to the top of the flower cluster. Excellent for wildlife and ...
Prairie Ironweed gets its name from the sturdy stems. It is a perennial from the Midwestern and eastern U.S. Plants can grow as tall as six feet, and the purple flower clusters occur at the tops of...
Purple Rockcress is a mat-forming perennial that grows to just 6 inches tall and produces masses of pink to purple (violet) flowers in spring. It is native to Europe and Asia Minor and is typically...
A true tallgrass prairie species, Rattlesnake Master grows from 3 to 5 feet tall, with flowers that have a sweet aroma that attracts various pollinators. Its habitats include rocky woods, moist to...
This mat-forming perennial grows 4 to 10 inches tall and has white, 4-petaled flowers. It is native to the mountains of Europe. Rockcress is a spring bloomer that makes an excellent ground ...