Hoary Vervain is a short-lived, native Verbena which can be found in southeast Canada as well as the eastern and central U.S. It can be found in meadows, prairies, roadsides and other sunny sites. ...
Purpletop Vervain is native to South America. It has tall, nearly leafless branches and clusters of purple flowers. It is outstanding in beds and borders and pairs well with bright yellow and white...
Virginia Stock is a petite plant with flowers that are lilac, white or yellow. It has a delicate fragrance, and flowers will stay open during the day. This species is from the Mediterranean region ...
English Wallflower is native to southern Europe and may have been brought to England by Normans in the 11th century. It is a perennial but can be grown as an annual, and the flower colors include ...
Siberian Wallflower is native to Europe. Flowers are vivid orange and are fragrant and adaptable. Use in fragrant flower mixtures, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden.
Bluebunch Wheatgrass is a cool-season bunchgrass that is very drought tolerant. It is native to the western U.S. and is good forage for both livestock and wildlife. It is a long-lived perennial ...
Slender Wheatgrass is a cool-season bunchgrass and is widely distributed across the northern and western U.S. It grows to 30 inches tall and tends to be short-lived. It is beneficial for soil ...
Western Wheatgrass is a long-lived, cool-season sod former that has dense, narrow spikes. It is good for colonizing disturbed sites and for erosion control in the central and northern Great Plains ...
Wild Blue Iris is a hardy rhizomatous perennial that grows 1-2 ft. tall. Flowers resemble the common garden iris and are pale blue. Flowers typically appear in May or June, depending on the ...
Wild Thyme is a fragrant, spreading perennial that is native to northwest Europe. Plants form dense mats that create an excellent ground-cover. Plants are 6-12 inches tall, and the lavender flowers...
This cool-season bunchgrass can be found throughout Canada and the U.S. except in the southeastern states. It is typically found in prairies, open woods, fields and disturbed sites. It tends to be ...
This cool-season bunchgrass is native to the eastern two-thirds of the U.S. It is shade tolerant and prefers moister soils. Virginia Wildrye provides forage for livestock and large game animals. ...
Wingstem is a perennial from the Midwest and east-central U.S. It gets its name from the distinctive, papery ridges that occur along its stems. Plants grow four to seven feet tall and have ...
Gold Yarrow is a perennial that is native to Asia and grows 36-60 inches tall. The golden yellow flowers occur in flat-topped clusters that are up to 5 inches across and can be used for cutting ...
Red Yarrow has finely divided, fern-like leaves and a pungent scent. Flowers are dark pink to deep carmine and occur in flat-topped flower clusters. Attracts beneficial insects. This species has ...