This lovely and popular aster, formerly under Aster novae angliae, is native to Canada as well as the central and eastern United States. Plants can be found in moderate to moist sites in meadows, ...
This perennial aster, formerly under Aster laevis, is native to most of the United States and Canada and can be found in prairies, savannas, forest openings, woodland edges and roadsides. Plants ...
Bergamot is a widespread North American native perennial that is found in floodplains, along shorelines and in open woodlands and moist to mesic prairies. Plants do best in rich soils with full to ...
Black-Eyed Susan is a well known wildflower that is common in the eastern and Midwestern U.S. It inhabits open woods, prairies, roadsides and disturbed areas. It can also be found in mountain ...
This western native perennial has flowers of bright red centers with yellow tips that bloom from June through August, ranging from North Dakota to Colorado, west to Oregon and southwestern Canada. ...
Blue Wild Indigo is a legume with roots that undergo nitrogen fixation and can be very long-lived. The blue flowers resemble those of lupines and attract bumble bees and other pollinators. It is ...
Buffalo Grass is a warm-season grass and predominant component of the shortgrass prairies of the Great Plains. Once established, it is extremely drought tolerant and tough. It can be used as a ...
Catnip is a member of the mint family and is a hardy perennial that has a distinctive fragrance that is intensely attractive to most cats. It is native to Europe, the Middle East and Asia. The ...
Columbine ‘McKana Giants Mix’ was an All America Selections winner in 1955. It is a hybrid with large flowers and long spurs. Flower colors include blue, pink, red, violet, white and ...
Eastern columbine, also referred to as Red columbine, is native from Nova Scotia to Florida and westward to Minnesota and Tennessee. It will generally be found in clearings, wood borders, ...
Compass Plant is a large perennial that is native to the tallgrass region of the U.S. and Canada. It gets its name from the fact that the lower leaves orient themselves in a north-south direction ...
Cutleaf Coneflower is a native perennial that can be found in flood plains and moist areas in Canada and the northeastern and Midwestern U.S. It is also found in moist depressions and streamsides ...
This plant resembles prairie coneflower but has deep red flowers and grows to just 1-2 feet tall. It is a biennial to short-lived perennial and is recommended for borders, natural gardens, rock ...
This upland perennial is very adaptable and tolerant of heat, humidity, drought and poor soils. Plants are easily divided if overcrowded and usually re-bloom without deadheading. This was the most...
Native to the Eastern and Midwestern United States south to Louisiana, Alabama and Georgia, this coneflower is found in limestone glades, oak savannas, fields, prairies, and along railroads. It is...