Cosmos is native to Mexico. The flowers of this variety have pink petals and a rose colored eye. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden. Prefers lean, well-draining soils.
Cosmos bipinnatus
Full Sun
Dry, Moderate
Fall Blooming Flowers, Summer
This mat-forming perennial grows 4 to 10 inches tall and has white, 4-petaled flowers. It is native to the mountains of Europe. Rockcress is a spring bloomer that makes an excellent ground ...
Leadplant is popular for reclamation and wildlife plantings. It is a shrub-like plant with silvery hairs and purple flower spikes at the ends of the branches. It is a nitrogen fixer that can thrive...
Gold Yarrow is a perennial that is native to Asia and grows 36-60 inches tall. The golden yellow flowers occur in flat-topped clusters that are up to 5 inches across and can be used for cutting ...
This lovely and popular aster, formerly under Aster novae angliae, is native to Canada as well as the central and eastern United States. Plants can be found in moderate to moist sites in meadows, ...