This flowers of this variety have tubular petals and come in a mix of crimson, rose, pink and white. Suitable for cutting, beds and borders, and the pollinator garden.
Cosmos bipinnatus
Mixed Colors
Full Sun
Dry, Moderate
Fall Blooming Flowers, Summer
White Yarrow as finely divided, fern-like leaves and a pungent scent. Flowers are white and occur in flat-topped flower clusters. This species has rhizomes and can spread aggressively in home ...
Snapdragon is a tender perennial that is treated as an annual in colder climates. This semi-dwarf variety blooms all summer long and has large flowers in shades of pink, purple, red, yellow, and ...
Blue Columbine is the state flower of Colorado. It is found throughout the Rocky Mountains, typically in aspen and spruce-fir communities, or subalpine meadows. it is also commonly referred to as ...
Sweet Sultan is a highly fragrant, old-fashioned variety that comes from the Mediterranean and southwest Asia. ‘Imperialis Mix’ is a mixture of mauve, pink and white flowers. It grows...