Dwarf ‘Pixie Delight’ Lupine is an annual lupine native to Mexico. ‘Pixie Delight’ has flower spikes in white, pink, violet and blue. Plants tolerate poor soils and dry to moderate moisture, growing best in full to part sun.
Lupinus hartwegii nanus
Mixed Colors
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moderate
Spring, Summer
This perennial is native to north central North America and is commonly found in dry open woodlands and prairies. Another name is Anise Hyssop because of its delightful fragrance – a mixture ...
Sweet Sultan is a highly fragrant, old-fashioned variety that comes from the Mediterranean and southwest Asia. ‘Imperialis Mix’ is a mixture of mauve, pink and white flowers. It grows...
This perennial aster, formerly under Aster laevis, is native to most of the United States and Canada and can be found in prairies, savannas, forest openings, woodland edges and roadsides. Plants ...
White Yarrow as finely divided, fern-like leaves and a pungent scent. Flowers are white and occur in flat-topped flower clusters. This species has rhizomes and can spread aggressively in home ...